Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Still looking for a job....

Today I learnt a lot about myself and about other people. The most important thing is that people seem to change their minds very quickly. I'm driving to the city this weekend and asked on facebook if anyone wants to catch a lift and help with petrol. It was almost like a cascade of yes I'll come, followed several hours later by no I cant come. It pretty much started my day off badly. 3 people did that to me. I realised that you can't rely on other people, especially when it's something that you need to do. Ok, understandably, today I was a little on edge...

Apart from the above, My interview that I had taken leave for and organised to go to the 'Big City' turned out to be with a company that doesnt know how to perform a recrutiement process correctly. Surely, once interviews have been booked, you go through all the candidtes and then decide who you are going to employ!?! No, instead they call me and tell me the position is filled and my interview is cancelled... Dissapointing... Very much so!!!

I then came to realise that, everything happens for a reason and that if I wasn't meant to get that job it was because it wasnt the job that would have made me happy. So although, i felt like falling apart this morning , I am now content with my circumstance. And will continue to search for a job, until the perfect one comes along. Even if it means that I dont do what I studied for...

Someone that I have known since I was a little boy, messaged me the other day and said that I will make a great doctor(I believe they thought I studied medicine). I've always wanted to study medicine, and never got in to study it. Her message sparked the urge to want to study medicine again. And although it may not be in the immediate future, I will soon though. And i will keep tryig to get in until i finally do.


  1. Sorry about the interview. Like you say things happen for a reason. You still have your goal to go the UK. But I see you were there & said that you do not want to be there in your life at that time. What is going to make it different this time? Or have I got this all wrong. What did you study for? I don't see it mentioned or missed it.
    Just inquisitive, sorry for all the questions.

  2. Read all your latest posts. Of course, what concerned me most was your feeling anxious. We have discussed this and I know it has passed. Because I have experienced it many times, I know how unpleasant it is. Incredibly it happened to me just in the past few days, the first time in well over 5 years. The horrors of the past came flooding back. And very unfortunately, I took some of my angst out on you. I want to apologize for that. I should have stayed away from my computer that day and shut off the world. What was I thinking? I wasn't. It has been so long since this happened I forgot my own rule not to subject my condition on anyone else. Especially someone I care for and hold in such high regard. I'm sorry and it will never happen again.

    So my friend, I know you are making a major life transition and that is stressful. Try to plan ahead, don't raise your expectations on any given situation and take each day as it comes. Condition yourself to be flexible and roll with the punches. Save your money so unexpected financial woes don't add to your stress level. That's my best advice. And as always, I'm here for you. That job you want will come. You are talented, easy going and great looking. When you get in front of the right job prospect, everything will fall into place. Of that I am sure. Take best of care.
