Saturday, April 9, 2011

What you make it...

There are many things in life that happen, without plan, thought or intent. A lot of the time it's someone elses doing that causes that situation or incident to occur. And for that reason it is inevitable and out of our hands. I guess, it only happens that way if you let it happen that way. If you want your life to go a certain way, you have the ability to make it that way.

I guess, if you had to look at different people, it would be their personalities that dictate whether they are the controller or the 'controlee' of their lives. Some people are willing to take the back seat in their own lives and let other people run the show. Until you get to a point in your life when you realise that, that isn't what you want. Some people never get to that point. Life is what you make it, don't let the people around you tell you how you should live your life.

"Be yourself, take control of your life." ~ Emma Bunton

"In essence, if we wantto direct our lives, we need to take control of our consistent actions. It's not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives, but what we do consistently." ~ Anthony Robbins

A lot has happened since my last post. Some things have been life changing, some not life changing. My car was broken into outside my workplace about 3 weeks ago. Everything that I use daily pretty much disappeared. Wallet, Ipod, Phone, Wallet, Gym bag, Car radio.... Not to mention some very sentimental items that had a lot of history to them. None the less, I had to carry on even though it felt like it was everything was crumbling underneath me.

I met the most amazing guy just over a month ago. It was honestly unplanned. We both seemed to be searching for the same thing in life. There is so much in common, it's scary. I believe that everything happens for a reason, whether it be fate or a higher power, but this seems like it was planned without our knowing. :)

"...Somethings in this world you just can't change, Somethings you can't see untill it's too late..." ~ Matchboxtwenty - Bright Lights

In other news, I've lost 8kgs (16lbs). I dont think it's very noticeable, but havent seen my mother in 3 months and am seeing her in 2 weeks. SO will let you know if its visible...