Tuesday, November 2, 2010

"Whatever you hold in your mind will tend to occur in your life. If you continue to believe as you have always believed, you will act as you ahve always acted. If you continue to act as you have always acted you will continue to get what you ahve always gotten. If you want different results in life or work, all you have to do is change your mind.: - Anonymous

It's amazing how strong your perception of life and events in life, can make or break how life happens and what happens for that matter. The mind can cause pain, illness and disease. It can even cause your body store emotion in the body. "It seems the mind is like a computer, what you put in it, is what you can retrieve from it. If you install a file and fill it or install a program designed to perform a function that's what you get. So if you tell yourself you will never lose the weight, or never be debt free, or never get that promotion, or never get your healing, chances are that is exactly what you will get, exactly what you believe and you won't experience or achieve."(Timothy Maher, 2010)

I've said before that I want to make a change in my life. My last post made me realise that even though I have felt the need to change aspects of my life, I never actually went through with it completely. It happened for a couple days and then it just reverted back to the way it was before. My mother showed me the first quote out of the blue today. I had just come back from gym, feeling a little down and not enthusiastic about life. It made me realise that things need to change and for real this time. I have gone with the flow for to long now. I know there is more waiting for me out there, and going the way I'm going I don't think I will get to that point. I dont know how or what exactly needs to change, but believe me something is going to change.

Back tracking a little to my unhappiness on Sunday, I had had a good friday night at work, Which was followed by me having a drink with the guy from 2 weeks ago. I had forgotten about the issues he has. Saturday was an emotional roller coaster, which started with this guy offloading his emotion on me. I mean he didnt even say anything and I felt it overwhelm me the whole day. It even affected my evening and my work. Saturday night at work was shocking, I hated every minute of it. It was halloween it was supposed to be fun. All i wanted to do was run away. Nothing changed either, for the entire 8 hours I worked I was miserable. Things just upset me, from the staff, to the managers, to the asshole who thought he was a god and caused a fight. I decided that I was tired of serving drunk people and I wanted out. I can blame the guy for precipitating this decision, but I think it had been coming for a while now. So... I quit. I was tired of the drunkards, the rumors that I get told, gross people hitting on me, the fights, the management, the owners... SO it's over! Think it is the beginning of a new era in my life :)

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