Saturday, January 1, 2011

It was a very good year!

All I can say is "WOW! What a year 2010 was!" It really was a year filled with every form of happiness and sadness. I learnt a ton about myself and about other people. Also, how to deal with other people on a personal level.

  My life (well aspects of my life) have changed a lot! Everyone that I encountered, influenced me abundantly! There are way to many people to name one by one, but if you spoke to me this year, you had an impact on my life!


I lay in bed thinking early hours of this morning about everything that has happened this past year. I think that there were times that I was at my lowest of lows and was about to give up, but just as that thought crossed my mind, someone or something crossed my path which lifted my spirit and showed me that there is hope. I also learnt that the grass isn't always greener on the other side, and more often than not the place/situation you're in is normally way better than that which you wish you were.


Here are some of the things that I learnt that I will take with me into the year to come:

1.       Always go with your first instinct. Chances are the chance you take is the right one. Your inner voice is the one that is guiding you to your destiny/calling.
2.       Never lose your integrity for anyone. But at the same time, your integrity is yours to lose and you have to deal with the consequences of your actions.
3.       Don't let other people's moods affect you, and don't let your mood affect others. We have all experienced it, you wake up happy and one person says something to you because they're in a mood and your day is ruined. Their mood has nothing to do with you, and yours nothing to do with them. Yet again, if you have something to say, say it.
4.       Love with everything that you are. Never hold back! You are only going to mess with the emotions of the person that you are with if you hold back. If you've been hurt and let down before,  realize that this person isn't the same as the person that you loved before.
5.       Most of all, HAVE FUN! 

2011 is hopefully going to be a good year, filled with adventures, love and happiness. I am looking forward to meeting new people, getting to know old friends better and to spend a ton of time with my boyfriend ☺ Thank you again for your support in 2010, it was a good year. I pray that the year to come lives up to and exceeds your every expectation! 

I leave you with this Chinese Proverb I read this morning.

"If you are depressed you are living in the past. If you are anxious you are living in the future. If you are at peace you are living in the present." — Lao Tzu


Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

1 comment:

  1. Reading your thoughts about the past year Ryan is inspiring and confirms everything that I have felt about you from the beginning. You are an amazingly intelligent guy and also someone who is self aware with an understanding of interpersonal relationships that few master in a lifetime. These gifts will put you at great advantage throughout your life. Although I had never read the Chinese proverb you quoted, it speaks volumes to me, one of life's simple truths. You are a wonderful friend. Someone very lucky is going to discover and cherish you. Best wishes for a new year of discovery and personal growth in 2011. May all your dreams come true.
