Friday, July 30, 2010

Thank you Lane

"It's 5:20 a.m. here, so I'll leave you with these thoughts. I know you feel somewhat trapped because of where you are and the limited selection of suitable people. This is all part of a lesson of how to make a new life when you relocate which surrounds yourself with lots of people who are friends, lovers, Fuck Buds, whomever, but a wide circle none the less, so if one drops out, you are never alone. This is a key way to build a harmonious life, because there are always going to be disappointments. That's just part of life, for everyone. Knowing this an planning ahead for those almost guaranteed eventualities protects yourself. This is a time for meditation, thought about how you got to this place and all the things you can do differently to structure your new life to be full of abundance and lots of personalities. Know this Ryan, that no matter how much money you have, no matter what your situation, there are ups and downs in everyone's life. The vast majority of people choose to keep these moments private. With social media, you have no doubt observed so many guys express their lows and their highs. All of this events are lessons for a young man like you. Anticipating the potholes in life is an art. Knowing how to dodge takes skill, all of which you will develop. Each day you learn something new about yourself, if you take the time to note it. As we discussed before, you can use this time to prepare for your next adventure in ways that will enable you to choreograph your life instead of being drug through it. This means planning out where you live, to where you can walk through commercial districts that increase your chance of that random meeting, which are the very best life has to offer to find your soul mate. Those random chance meetings are the most valuable and productive. So, December is not all that far off. Think about writing a daily diary. Record your thoughts and you will most certainly be surprised about your change of mood and what influenced those changes. If you don't like what you see on rereading, then that helps you plan your life accordingly in the future. Seriously, each and every decision you make, no matter how trivial, especially about the path of your daily routine can make the difference in so many ways, primarily bumping into Mister Right. I am a firm believer in this, because as I told you, so many older guys have told me the exact same thing. That is where you find true at first sight. So please, think about these concepts and the power of positive thinking. Focus on your next adventure and not what you can't have today because you have the very best years of your life ahead of you. And someone very lucky is going to have you. Putting yourself in that path of discovery is what planning your life is all about. The unknown adventures are those of discovery, learning and growth.......Things are so much different today. The possibilities are limited only by your imagination, spirit and drive to make things happen for yourself. And I see the creativity and drive in you to make all of this happen with just a little forethought and planning." - Lane

To a dear friend, Lane, I thank you for your inspiration and support!
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

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