Sunday, July 25, 2010

Love Whore

Why do I do this to myself? I knew exactly before it began what would happen...

On friday night, I hooked up with my crush (Yes, he still has a girlfriend, she was there too). It is amazing what alcohol can do...

I am one of those guys, that gives all into a relationships and falls in love very easily! Especially when intimacy is involved! It has happened many times before, and I've let it happen again :( Clearly the fact that he has a girlfriend doesn't mean a thing to my emotions - Stupid damn emotions! I feel like a 12 year old boy! Just wanna scream!

I know I can't expect anything from him!
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  1. We all have those Brokeback moments Ryan. Focus on the highs and the exhilaration of the moment with no regrets ;-)

  2. Thanks Lane! I'm just that type of person I guess! No regrets tho :)
