Thursday, September 9, 2010


Wow it's been a while! Lots to tell but honestly there isn't anything exciting. This is going to be a different post, I feel the need to be more expressive and to share more. Just after my last post, I left for a week away with my best friend in the Kruger National Park. It was so relaxing and really beautiful. It was however the end of winter and the fires had ripped through most of the park in preparation for the new growth of spring. The first bright green shoots were beginning to appear in the blackness. Random, but 'Bambi' story comes to mind. We saw the Big 5 several times over and got some great shots. Which ill post when I get the photos from my friend.

I came back planning on gyming hard, getting ripped for summer… I still however haven't started my diet or a proper gym program. The motivation isn't exactly there, well, the motivation is but the energy isn't. It makes me feel depressed that I don't have the will power to start this and carry through with it. I could blame the numerous interruptions and occasions that have come up that have resulted in late nights, parties and bad food, but its my own fault.

I DJ'ed at a friends birthday two weekends ago, and it was really good. I enjoy playing commercial house music, easy to listen to and most people enjoy it. Hopefully something more will come of it, we'll see what the future holds. The party was pretty rocking, alcohol flowed. People were making out with one another. I must be honest, I wasn't one of those people unfortunately and I didn't drink a lot either.

Oh, just remembered, I got my tongue pierced! If you follow me in twitter you would know. Random you may think that I just remembered, but it has been 2 weeks and you kinda don't know its there. It wasn't painful in the beginning, but the day after it was so uncomfortable and I struggled to eat. Rearranging food in your mouth was quite an interesting task. Still haven't been able to put it to good use if you know what I'm trying to get it. It does keep me occupied when I'm bored tho J

I started a bar job last week Friday, in hopes of trying to earn extra cash to save to go overseas to work next year. Pays well and get to be out without actually spending money. It's a pub that most of my friends hang out at anyway which is cool. It is pretty draining, working 11-12 hour shift after working a 9-5 job. But it's gonna be worth it in the end I'm telling myself.

Hopefully I will start blogging more regularly again! :)

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