Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Its all a Number Game

It's difficult to find a balance between various aspects in our lives in this day and age. Fast food, fast cars, fast fast fast.... Things never seem to stop. People start spiraling out of control because of the speed and pace of society and the expectations that it places on us. Sometimes we even lose ourselves trying to live up to this 'ideal' of 'It needs to be done perfect the first time, every time'. We forget that we weren't made to do everything the right way, we are all fallible and we are all here to learn about ourselves and others by the mistakes we make.

If you google 'doing things right', there are 777 million results. 'Success' has 237 million results. 'Happiness' has 316 million results. 'Smile' has 1.4 billion results. 'Work Satisfaction' has 52.6 million results. 'Sadness' has 16 million. 'Depression' has 276 million results. These are just a couple results. What I am trying to get at is that society demands that we do things right and not that we are satisfied if we did it right or not. Something funny in that though, is that you better smile while you doing it....

The people that we allow in our lives are probably the biggest influence on how we program ourselves to think in certain ways and act in certain ways. They are also the driving force behind the expectations we place on ourselves. Many people can exist without allowing others to influence them. Not the easiest thing to do, but it can be done. At times the people we allow into our lives make living easier and build us up at every opportunity they get and others do the complete opposite... I guess life should be a balance of this push and pull.

We need to remember though, not everyone is gonna like us every minute of everyday. And that's ok.... if we had to please everyone we pretty much start forgetting about ourselves. With over 7 billion people that could possibly disagree with us or not like us in the 86,400 seconds that make up a day, it might be a good idea to cut ourselves a little slack.

1 comment:

  1. I love this thought provoking post! And after the last 45 days I have just experienced, I couldn't agree more. There are omnipresent control freaks everywhere you turn. Everyone wants to tell you how to run your life and I am telling all of them to go fuck off - I'll do it my way. Don't like it? Hit the road and don't talk to me anymore.

    That's some great original thinking and I subscribe 100%.
