Friday, June 25, 2010

You little Ram you ;)

Aries is a Cardinal Fire sign, ruled by Mars. As the first sign in the zodiac, and corresponding with the first day of spring, the Aries individual is a mover and shaker, fearlessly forging ahead or "springing forth"  into new territory.

The Aries personality is always a force to be reckoned with.  These are curious and energetic individuals, always delving into new areas, but often quickly becoming bored and moving on, leaving unfinished projects in their wake.  Arians are forthcoming and direct.  They don't generally have hidden agendas or ulterior motives (Um). If they find an area in which they are interested for a long period, they can become quite accomplished, well-known, and wealthy. 

Adult Arians in the workplace do well if they find jobs in which they can work on their own terms.  Many Arians are self-employed for this reason, and many others are managers and foremen.  An Arian can function well under other people, however, as long as he has some authority over someone else too.  The Army structure with its many levels seems well-suited to Arians, and politics are a natural for this sign.  Occupations that involve driving and the open road are appealing to Aries, as are outside sales type occupations. Arians are intellectual more than spiritual, so you won't find too many in prominent religious or holistic capacities.  Arians will not be happy at the bottom of the heap unless they feel that they are in charge of something or someone.  An Arian will do well in a job situation with a big picture, with supporting cast to do the finishing work.

If you have found a romantic partner in an Aries, be prepared to take second seat.  Although you will not lead the parade, your partner will go to any length to make sure your needs and desires are well taken care of.  This is a double-edged sword that anyone contemplating a relationship with Aries should be aware of.  If you are one that is content to be taken care of, this is your perfect match.  Your partner will make it his or her mission to keep you happy.  However, if you are not content to follow, explosive arguments will erupt and an unwinnable power struggle will ensue, leaving you both drained and unhappy.   

Aries in any relationship is magnetic and intense, and others are drawn to these qualities.  The Aries individual prefers a strong partner and strong friends, but only those who are capable of giving the impression that Aries is in the lead.  Aries will be a loyal friend as long as the relationship keeps evolving and they feel that it is of benefit, but if they become bored or the relationship becomes stale, they will assuredly get out.  One who is in any relationship with an Aries should know when to push and when to back off and give the Aries some space.  Aries likes a challenge but pushing too hard will drive him off.  A sure-fire strategy with an Aries in any relationship capacity is to verbalize often that you find them smart and worthwhile, and that they are number one with you!  Remember, with Aries, the by-words are "me first!"

(Not far off :P)
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

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