Saturday, April 17, 2010

That's just the way it is!

I've come to realise that everything happens for a reason! As I've said before, I'm at a point in my life where I don't know what the future holds for me! This may sound somewhat silly, considering no one knows whats gonna happen today, tomorrow or whenever really. I mean, obviously everyone has aspirations and dreams, but as we grow and develop as human beings it's hard not to change what you expect out of life. Everyone wants to be happy and I'm almost completely sure everyone wants to find someone to spend their lives with.

It's a silly cliche, but the world is my oyster. That isn't exactly a comforting thought when you think about it. Things could go any way from here, and I don't know which way to even lean to! And when I mean any way, I really do mean any way! What I've studied doesn't confine me to one career, but all things considered, if I really wanted to study something else I could.

Call me what you will, but being gay doesn't help either. Like I said, everyone wants to have someone and be happy, but being gay makes it different. I don't have the expectations of having to get married and have kids. So what I do with my life and where it goes from here really can develop at it's own pace!

That's just the way it is I guess!

This sexy thing is Chris H., yet another gorgeous South African model. Those eyes are mesmerising.

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