Monday, October 8, 2012

What a weekend...

I really don't often have amazing weekends from beginning to end... Well not in the last 7 months anyway. The course I'm doing (which hopefully this time next week will be done with) pretty much takes up my life and my weekends. I do however try and have some me time, friend time and relationship time over weekends (mostly relationship time...).

This past weekend was pretty awesome though. Yes I did have to finish off a couple assignments (which are thankfully done), but the rest of it I got to spend with awesome people doing awesome things.

Saturday, was diet cheat day. Which I have decided isn't worth actually eating like a pig on crap food for 16 hours straight... I ate so much 'good' processed food its not even funny haha! I think however the processed part needs to stop (apart from chocolate though). Saturday also included pride, which was interesting... I've never been a fan of gay parades as you probably have noticed from a previous post this time last year, but it is interesting to so to what extremes people will go to show the world 'what they really are'???

Sunday was the Nike RunJozi 10km race, which I have to be honest and say I didn't train for. And I also have to be honest and say that I couldn't have done it without the amazing woman that I ran next to. I think she's converted me into a runner. I have never had more fun running through a township (Sewerage and all...) chatting about life and random things ever...Granted I don't generally run (unless I'm being chased), and I don't walk randomly through townships (OK maybe 4 years ago I did), but still it was an inspiring and humbling event that I will remember for many years to come. Especially considering I might start running... for fun... Bring on the next RUNJOZI!!!!

For the first time, in a long time, I felt like I achieved something yesterday. The last (if I remember correctly) was when I started bikram yoga last year. It was to some extent disappointing. Not the race itself, but the thought that in an entire year I haven't like I truly achieved something. That has got to change...

7 days until this course is over! 7 days until I can start living life for me! 7 days until the future begins!

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